

OC32 Firmware-Update funktioniert nicht


Hallo liebe forumsmitglieder,

ich habe die aktuellste Version der OC32Config 3010 und die dazu korrespondierende OC32 firmware version 3010 heruntergeladen und installiert.
Wenn ich der Anweisung zum Firmware-Update folge, passiert folgendes (s.a. anliegende Screenshots des AVRootloaders):
nach Setzen des JP2-Jumpers auf der Reset-Position und Betätigen der Schalter "Connect to device", danach "Reset on the Device" an der TM44 sowie Abnehmen des JP2-Jumpers leuchten die grüne und gelbe LED auf der OC32 kurz auf, danach aber nur wieder die blinkende grüne LED.
Unter dem Schalter "Programm" des AVRootloader erscheint die Fehlermeldung:
"compiled file is not valid to the ATmega1284P"

Welche OC32-Firmware-Version korrespondiert mit dem Processor ATmega1284P ?
oder wo liegt sonst der Fehler?

Ich hoffe Ihr könnt mir helfen!

MfG Ulrich


Hallo Ulrich,

It seems you try to update the RM-C with OC32 firmware.
I do not understand why you reset the TM44 if you want to update the OC32, but I guess that's a slip of the keyboard.

First put your RM-C in Bootloader Transparant Mode using DinamoConfig. Start DinamoConfig, select both "Transp.M” and “BootTM” on the RM-U tab and click the button “Options”. After a few seconds you'll receive an error message. Ignore it. On your RM-C now the red LED should be lit continuously.

Close DinamoConfig and run the OC32 Bootloader procedure.

When you are done, to get the RM-C out of BTM, press the reset switch on the RM-C.

If required I hope someone can translate the above in German for you.



Hallo Ulrich, (und Leon),

brauchst du die Uebersetzung oder kommst du klar mit was der Leon geschrieben hat?

Ich bin zur Zeit auf Kundenbesuch auf Vlieland, lese also nur ein paar Mal pro Tag meinen E-Mail. Es kann also ein bisschen dauern bevor ich antworte.



Hallo Dear Leon and Frans,

thank you for your response. Because there is no resetknob on the OC32-Device I have use the resetknob on the TM44.
But the main problem is, that I'have forgotten to set the RM-C and OC32config in transparent-mode.
I will follow Leon's instructions and I hope it will work.
Otherwise I will ask for your help.

Thank you

Your sincerely


Hallo Leon,

the firmware-update has follow the instruction in chapter 12 of the handbook for oc32. Also the reset from transparent mode.
But in the dinamo status the oc32-device is not detected.Only TM44 is found.
What may be the reason?

Wfg Ulrich


Hi Ulrich,

If you want to firmware-update the OC32 you'll need to reset the OC32, not the TM44. Only a hard reset will force the module to start the bootloader. The Reset pins on the OC32 are exactly identical to those on the TM44.

For the RM-C to detect OC32's you need RM-C firmware 1.30. Update of the RM-C is rather easy. See attached demo.

MfG, Leon

Hallo zusammen,
wenn ich über den VPEB-Bootloader meine OC32 updaten will, bekomme ich die Meldung
Error: compiled file is not valid for device "ATmega1284P"

Kann mir jemand einen Tip geben?

Viele Grüße


Hi Ullrich,

Apparently you are trying to update the RM-C. I suspect you have the OC32 you want to update behind the RM-C. Put the RM-C in Boatloader Transparent Mode first and then update the OC32

Best regards,


Hi Ulrich,

I wrote RM-C Firmware 1.30, not DinamoConfig. According to your screenshot you have RM-C Firmware 1.21. It will work of course, but if you want active monitoring of OC32's you need Firmware 1.30. This will also support configuration of OC32's without the need to put your RM-C in Transparent Mode. So I think the update is worth the minimal effort, since you already have AVRootloader installed.

MfG, Leon


Oh thank you Leon,

I always confound the devices eachother.
I hope now that I can complete my hardwaretest. Than I would like to connect iTrain with my cofigured modelplan and the Dinamo system.

Thank so much for your constructiv help.

MfG ulrich

Dutch (Nederlands, nl)English British (British English, en-uk)German (Deutsch, de)