
MCC & Cars

MMC in n scale vehicles an alternative to dc car ?

I am A French MRRfan actually trying to choose a control system for a future n scale FCS layout
I had some difficulties to get user's experiences about the mcc system which seemed an alternative choice to dc car system . I would greatly appreciate your advises concerning this project .
my objectives are
Control of the vehicules trafic (planning of routes and circuits as in train controller or windigipet)
Very smooth control of the speed , acceleration and braking
(my vehicules are n scale oldies truck that should not run over 40 kmH in n scale) the roads will mainly be in city villages or winding mountain landscape )
Installation of front rear lights stops and blinkers
Ability to install decoders and hardware in N SCALE FCS trucks ;
My internet searches and comparisons drove me to two possible choices dc car or mcc and the following analysis :

Advantage of DC car
-Smaller decoder (7x15x2,5mm vs 17,3x12,8x4 mcc) no coil needed no interference with vicinity motor (important for n scale vehicles )
-Seems more simple concerning digital Field hardware (loops) and software installation
More widely spread system and according advantages in terms of products availability
products technical evolutions and support ( more German and English forums)
_System supported by the leader in railroad software control (traincontroller auto control street)with thousands users

Drawbackd vs MCC
The control of Speed acceleration Braking seems better with back emf and speed control ( on the videos the DC vehicles accelerate and brake more abruptly whereas the MMC equipped vehicles seemed start very smoothly and have a slow acceleration and braking rate.
(better cv control capabilities ?…)

DC car is a light sensible device and my layout is lighted with neon lighting moreover I enjoy playing with the layout with sunlight when the weather is fine the sunlight is very pleasant and make the scenery look beautiful

DC seems to offers less control possibilities in terms of custom driving
Unfortunately I m living in southern France and cannot attend DC or MCC workshops to make up my mind with real experience .
I saw a lot of dc car installations in n scale vehicles but I found no example of installation of mcc in N scale vehicles , this make me wonder if I could succeed in a such enterprise. I'mfeeling like a newbie in an unexplored field
my calculation with decoder coil (what dimension?)and 70 to 150ma 3,6v lipo batteries+ necessary plugs make me think it is challenging but not impossible in a n scale truck ( sure in a truck with trailer ) not so evident in a bus …..
I dont know exactly the current draw of the device in case of too high current draw from motor + Decoder I thought I could also use low consumtion leds (2ma) with light conducting wires
to spare the lipo batteries . I know that I cannot expect a very long running time
the actual vehicules with a 1,2v 300ma run more than an hour I would be satisfied with a reduced range as long as the previous requirements are satisfied ( smooth acceleration: braking ,slow speed abilities , lighting possibilities
It seems that heroes in this forum (hello Martin) succeeded in some n scale vehicles installation but as I dont understand Dutch I didnt got more information …. (installation tutorials type of battery used , how long does the vehicle drives before running out of current etc)

As the time investment would be in any cas important I would very much appreciate your comments advices experiences to make the right choice according to my (too?) high requirements
I' aware that I penetrated here in a mcc dinamo chapel (the language of which seems to be only dutch...) and hope I didnt commited any blasphemy in this case I beg for mercy and believe : I remain open to a conversion..... best regards Patrick


Hi Patrick,

Thanks for your question!

Of course as the inventor and producer of Dinamo/MCC I could give you an advise which system to choose. In any case this advise would be highly biased. In the end only you can make the decision.

Ik think your analysis is fairly correct in terms of differences. Just a few things in addition I'd like to share:

  • MCC imho is simple by design. It looks much more like a "traditional" digital system, vehicles controlled by a central system.
  • With MCC you need the additional wires and feedbacks, but note you don't need any additional components over and around your layout, such as IR transmitters.
  • With MCC all controls are fully hidden, since it is "radio-based"
  • The decoder for MCC may be fractionally larger, but apart from this and the receiver coil, it's the only thing you need in the car. No additional electronics, no IR LEDs or receivers.
  • In terms of power used: It is the experience that a car with MCC decoder runs longer than one without. The extra consumption by decoder and LEDs is compensated by higher efficiency of the motor. And you don't need power to drive IR transmitters.
  • MCC is used in scale N by many users. Less than HO, but I think it reflects the numbers comparing H0 and N overall.

There is a number of MCC N-scale users active on this forum that post regularly, however not all posted in English. I'm sure some will be happy to react to your post and give you some feedback on their experiences.

One strange thing: you mention "Unfortunately I m living in southern France". Can you explain what is so "unfortunate" about living there? Many of us would love to make a visit mrgreen

Kind regards,


I also wondering why you woudn't like to life in south-france?? They have the best racing circuits in the world :-) i'm loving it

Hi Patrick,

I'm an active and also starting user of MCC in N-scale. In my perspective its the best way of FCS controlling available. Why: because you can adjust the decoder in every way possible, alle the CV's as well of the EMK of the engine.

An other good aspect is the MCC model car shop of Heinz Cox. You can buy al the items there to rebuild an FCS truck or even an random bus, SUV, truck or anything else that fits an decoder, battery, engine and coil.

There you have the big fail of N-scale: there isn't much choise in wich size of car u use. But because N-scale model cars is rediscovered by the market and DC and MCC is putting it back in the spotlights there will be new innovations every year. Faller has to keep up, thats why they recently started an simulair program like MCC and DC controlling.

For software i'm going to use iTrain software. I'm working with the developer of itrain to implant MCC car controlling to he program. When the car edition will be released is not sure, but i think in the beginning of 2013.

If you're handy with google translate you can read my developement threat on Dinamousers: tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=7144&topics_offset=6&topics_sort_mode=lastPost_desc&forumId=5

Or on the N-spoorforum: http://www.n-spoorforum.nl/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3959

I have some movies about my thirst test on Marelburg:

1st test: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dJAjLjVBt0&feature=share&list=UUKOFwMyUPPmQrtrb5wH8Fgg
2nd test: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Specnv_M00&feature=share&list=UUKOFwMyUPPmQrtrb5wH8Fgg
3rd test: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPc_1rA2Tgk&feature=share&list=UUKOFwMyUPPmQrtrb5wH8Fgg

Good luck!!!'

greetings Martin


Bonsoir Patrick,

Malheureusement mon l'élocution en Français n'est pas suffit mais j'espère que mon Anglais est bien compris.

Of course I am very glad that you might be interested in the MCC system from Leon van Perlo for n-scale because I really do think that this system is one of the best systems there is. The more people work with it, the more knowledge and tips and tricks will be developed and the more expertise will exists when troubleshooting is necessary.

I started to work with this system approximately 2 years ago when I joined one of the brilliant MCC workshops from Leon and Hans (Nouwens). I must confess that I was a bit afraid that It might be too difficult for a unexperienced hobbyist in model making and electronics like me and contacted Leon therefor beforehand. Of course one of my special doubt was the fact that I was only interested in 1:160 but luckily enough Leon convinced me that also people with minor experience and little electronica knowledge are able to succeed in building a complete functioning MCC n-scale car. The only thing you need is some good spirit, some patience and some willingness to gain more in-debt knowledge of the system.

I successfully builded my first n-scale car during the course although it drove backwards when I first tested it lol but after correction of the wire connections it drove smooth fully slow and fast, accelerated and decelerated, had realistic functioning front lights (dimmed and hell), back-and braking lights, and last but not least direction indicator lights as well. I was really surprised that all these functions could be realized in such a small car and that I was the one who builded it. Leon had created a decoder and driving system that fulfilled more than I had ever hoped for.

Now after building many cars (smaller and bigger ones) and gaining some experience in the system I really am very satisfied and pleased how reliable the system works. I even made some detailed descriptions of my building projects and tested some of the things that might be interesting when developing a road plan. Although they are in Dutch they might be interesting for you as well because all my manuals are full with pictures and drawings and most of them are clear when looking at the pictures only. Ask Leon for a user account so that you can see my manuals and interesting data and descriptions from other users as well

I must confess that the time I need for building my cars and roads is much larger than that of Martin (so he is the real hero because his results are very nice as well) but I am always satisfied with my own result(s). On the other hand I must confess that being a hero was never my goal with this hobby ... mrgreen

In other words:

  • The system is great and very reliable
  • Everyone with a little bit of patience, motivation and good spirit can build a MCC n-scale car
  • I always use a lipo-cell (which I protect with a safety fuse) because they are small and assure a long driving time
  • Use the 0603 and 0402 leds for realistic light results
  • Always paint the inner side of your car (where the lights are mounted) with silver and black paint and put a small piece of 'pritt buddy' on the backside of the led to prevent scattering of the light
  • When in doubt ask for help on this forum, lots of people use the system successfully and are willing to share there experiences and knowledge

With best regards et à vous de choisir!


Thank you for your answers and information sources I was very interested in your N scale MCC installation experience ;
At the beginning my aim was mainly go bring some animation on a layout so that not only trains but also cars and truck move on the road ;I must confess that I already built a little circuit with running n scale vehicles
but it is a simple oval test circuit with little iron hooks attached to a spiral moved by a motor the spiral is guided in a groove under the road . There are some limitations to the system that's why I wanted to complete it with computer controlled fcs Vehicles

But I will keep the magnetic system on the layout because
It is the ONLY system that allows nscale private cars up to isettas , smart, ( and even motor bikes Vespas scale rollers …) to drive on the road
It is A very versatile system : you can have a great variety of vehicles running : you just have to fit some magnets underneath and they roll on the spiral equiped roads.
Interesting when you have a big collection of differents vehicles ( i have 300 different n scale models mainly 1900 to 1975)

The drive is very smooth and regular (no jerky drive )
I can of course equip the larger vehicles with working lights as long as I can
fit a tiny battery and leds (trucks and commercial vehicles)
I could fit a decoder in those vehicles if i want to control the lights , stop and directional lights ( but of course not the speed )
I can have simple one way road with back and forth trafic ( both ends of the road should be hidden , thats where the vehicle turn on themselves to run in the opposite direction ( this needs a detection at both ends detection making the motor stop and reverse )
I can have an electronic slow down and stop before the trafic lights and a progressive start of the row of vehicles as soon as the light turns green …

In fact my project is to keep my system in order to have cars , motor bikes and tiny n scale vehicles running on the street but add the FCS trucks and bigger vehicles to the trafic to add some variety and performance .
I is also possible to cross the spiral equiped road with the faller wire (as for the railroad crossing)
I could have also my spiral system in one direction and the FCS in the other
It is also thinkable to mix boths systems on the same lane , if I install the FCS wire just some mm to the right of my spiral drive groove . ( In this case there is a pb with the copper loops ) My simple cars could be detected by reed contacts or Light barriers and taken in account for the computer controlled vehicles …..
As you see there is a lot to think over … Again thank you for your answers and helpful attitude... Best regards to all . Patrick

Dutch (Nederlands, nl)English British (British English, en-uk)German (Deutsch, de)